Checkout themes for the ITG Xpress Check
Welcome to the home for the award-winning checkout themes for ITG's Xpresscheck.
Please go to the downloads page if you're looking for themes to install.
C'mere, lad, it's time to check out the Irish way
Designed for St. Patrick's Day, but generalized enough to work at any point in the year.
Rather than being the "Irish" theme, these are the "Irish Andy" and "Irish Clay" themes; it's not in Irish, though some people might wonder what a "chin wag" is.
To get an idea of which accent you'd prefer, check out Andy's, or Clay's "Scan card" sound. Also, be sure to check out Andy and Clay's duet that sends patrons on their way with a jaunty Irish tune.
You may also want to check out the Irish credits page.
As always, check out the Facebook page as well as the release and development Yahoo groups for the latest info.