Checkout themes for the ITG Xpress Check
Want to help with the next theme to show up at Sequoya? Get in contact.
Here are videos involving the themes. Youtube videos are at the top of the page, and downloadable videos are below that.
First, a video of the Pirate theme, as it was shown on Talk Like a Pirate Day, 2009.
Next to appear was Pig Latin:
Finally, below are copies of the videos I made for each theme. With the exception of pirateselfcheckwithCaptainClay.mp4/avi, I release the videos under Creative Commons license by-nc-sa 3.0. As for pirateselfcheckwithCaptainClay, largely because I want to retain some control over use of my image, it's fine to download it, but not to re-post it anywhere else. All other rights reserved, as it were.
The videos were recorded in MP4 (which works on Apple products and most other computers), and have been converted to smaller AVI files (which work on Windows boxes and almost all other computers)
Baby Talk Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Guided Meditations(Amy) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Guided Meditations(Astrid) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Ninja (Andy) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Ninja (Carolyn) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Ninja (Deena) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Ninja (Gregg) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Ninja (Laura) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Silent Ninja Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Ninja (Steph) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pig Latin "best of" Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pig Latin (Clay) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pig Latin (Katharine) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate "best of" Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate (Andy) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate (Clay) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate (Gregg) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate Self-check with Captain Clay on Talk Like a Pirate Day (in MP4) (Converted AVI)