Checkout themes for the ITG Xpress Check
Ahoy, matey! 'Twas the first, and by far the most popular, theme. Arr! Your patrons will be speakin' to ye in Pirate 'fore the day is old. This theme be especially proper fer International Talk Like a Pirate Day, occurrin' every September 19th when good folk swap their high-falutin' lingo for some decent Pirate.
To install it, please download the self-extracting InstallPirateTheme.exe and follow the directions on the instructions page. (There's also a zipped version - This download contains four versions of the theme, with mostly-different vocal samples in each theme.
McMillan, Reedsburg, Sequoya, and Verona have their own version of the install file.
You may also want to check out the Pirate credits page.
A few examples:
First, a video on Youtube of the theme, as it was shown on Talk Like a Pirate Day, 2009:
Next, other videos downloadable from here. The first is the same video as the one on Youtube.
Pirate "best of" Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate (Andy) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate (Clay) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate (Gregg) Theme video (in MP4) (Converted AVI)
Pirate Self-check with Captain Clay on Talk Like a Pirate Day (in MP4) (Converted AVI)